Banksman Hand Signals: A Crucial Communication Tool for Lorry Safety
The Importance of Communication in Lorry Safety
Communication is vital in environments with heavy vehicles like lorries. For a Banksman, standardised hand signals play a key role in ensuring safety, as outlined by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Guiding Lorry Drivers: The Role of a Banksman
A Banksman guides lorry drivers during vehicle manoeuvres, especially when visibility is limited.
Key Hand Signals Every Banksman Should Know
Clear and unambiguous hand signals are crucial for effective communication between Banksman and drivers:
- Start: Both arms extended horizontally with palms facing forwards.
- Stop: Right arm points upwards with palm facing forwards.
- Emergency Stop: Both arms point upwards with palms facing forwards.
- Move Forward: Both arms bent with palms facing upwards, forearms moving towards the body.
- Move Backward: Both arms bent with palms facing downwards, forearms moving away from the body.
- Slow Down: Slower movements displayed.
- Turn Left or Right: Extend arm in the desired direction with palm facing down, make small movements to the left or right.
Ensuring Visibility and Safety
It's crucial to ensure that hand signals are always visible to the driver. When in doubt, signal the driver to stop as a safety precaution.
Fluency and Training
Fluency in Banksman hand signals comes from regular training and practice. Signals should be practised until they can be performed quickly and accurately, even under pressure. Regular refresher training helps maintain this skill.