Course introduction

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2 min 45 sec
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Welcome to ProTrainings Lorry Banksman Online Course

Embark on a journey to master the crucial skills and knowledge needed to excel as a Lorry Banksman, enhancing safety during vehicle reversing manoeuvres on worksites.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand the role and responsibilities of a Lorry Banksman.
  • Be familiar with safety protocols and legal requirements.
  • Contribute significantly to workplace safety.

Course Structure

Our flexible online training includes:

  • Video lessons accessible on any device.
  • Interactive knowledge review questions and a final test.
  • Options to pause, resume, and revisit lessons anytime.

Learning Resources

Enhance your learning experience with:

  • Supportive text and video subtitles.
  • Additional resources and links for comprehensive understanding.
  • Access to the course for eight months, including after completion.

Support and Certification

Upon passing the test, you will receive:

  • A completion certificate with a QR code for validation.
  • Certified CPD statement and evidence-based learning statement.
  • Continuous support and updates on new course material.

Additional Features

Discover more benefits:

  • Free company dashboards for managing staff training.
  • Weekly emails to refresh your skills and update on new videos.
  • A selection of first aid and medical products available for purchase.

Contact and Support

For further assistance or inquiries about our company solutions:

  • Contact us via email, phone, or our online chat facility.


We are committed to providing comprehensive support throughout your training journey. Enjoy your course and thank you for choosing ProTrainings.