Learn about typical lorry dimensions, turning circles, and blind spots
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Understanding Lorry Attributes for Banksman Safety
Importance of Lorry Attributes
Understanding the physical attributes and constraints of a lorry is crucial for a Banksman. These attributes include the dimensions, turning circles, and blind spots of a lorry.
Lorry Dimensions
Lorry dimensions refer to the size specifications of the vehicle, including its length, width, and height. In the UK, the standard lorry dimensions are:
- Maximum Length: 18.55 metres for articulated truck and trailer combinations
- Maximum Width: 2.55 metres for all types of lorries
- Maximum Height: 4.5 metres for all types of lorries
Knowing the dimensions is important for a Banksman as it helps in understanding the space needed for the lorry to manoeuvre safely, particularly when reversing.
Turning Circle
The turning circle, or turning radius, of a lorry refers to the smallest circular turn that the lorry can make. It's primarily influenced by the lorry's wheelbase, which is the distance between the front and rear axles. The longer the wheelbase, the larger the turning circle.
Understanding the turning circle is crucial for a Banksman when guiding a lorry through tight spaces or when directing a reversing manoeuvre. An insufficient turning circle can lead to the lorry being unable to complete a turn or, worse, colliding with an obstacle.
Blind Spots
Blind spots are areas around a lorry that the driver can't see directly, either through the windows or mirrors. The larger the lorry, the more extensive the blind spots tend to be.
Some of the common blind spots in a lorry include:
- Directly in front of the cab: around one metre out from the front
- Directly behind the lorry: extending up to 15 metres for a large lorry
- On the driver's side: extending from the cab back to the rear of the lorry
- On the passenger's side: a much larger area due to the driver's offset position in the cab
As a Banksman, it's critical to understand and consider these blind spots when guiding a lorry, particularly during reversing manoeuvres. By positioning yourself in a spot that is visible to the driver at all times and ensuring you are aware of the blind spots, you can contribute to a safer working environment.
Finally, you need to consider if the vehicle is left or right hand drive, as this will affect the driver’s visibility.