Responsibilities of the employee, including the Banksman, under HSWA
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Employee Responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Understanding the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) is a cornerstone of UK workplace legislation, defining the obligations of various parties in ensuring workplace safety.
Employee Duties under the Act
Employees play a crucial role in maintaining and promoting workplace safety:
- Take Reasonable Care: Employees must ensure their own safety and the safety of others affected by their actions, including accurately performing hand signals, wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment, and remaining vigilant.
- Cooperate with Employers: Employees must collaborate with employers to comply with statutory duties and requirements, which involves following safety rules, participating in safety training, and using provided safety equipment correctly.
- Use Provided Equipment Correctly: Employees must use all work items provided by employers correctly, following training and instructions. This includes machinery, vehicles, and communication devices for a Banksman.
- Avoid Misuse of Safety Resources: Employees must not interfere with or misuse anything provided for their health, safety, or welfare, using safety equipment and procedures only for their intended purpose.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
Failure to fulfill employee duties under the HSWA can result in disciplinary action, fines, or prosecution. Additionally, disregarding safety regulations can lead to accidents or injuries, impacting both individuals and those around them.